. One of the main characters in this book is the Galactic Security Bot Robot 44. He's a loyal partner to Missile Mouse and proves to be just as tenacious as the rodent himself.
I began sketching out designs for him on my story writing pages. At this early stage I new I wanted a big black dome for the head because I thought it looked cool.
The idea developed further as I played around with proportions and little details like the joints. My editor felt like this design looked more like a guy in a spacesuit than it did a robot and you know what he was dead right. Plus he said there's no way for anyone to relate to this character if you can't see any sort of face. Right again. Sometimes I get too hung up on a design and I forget the practicality of it.
So I went back into the design trying to go for a more clunky robot look, and began working out an appealing robot face.
Didn't like the above sketches all that much, but these guys below started to get close to something I liked.
As it came closer and closer to actual production time on the book I had to go with something, but I didn't think this guy was quite there yet. Then it dawned on me to stick the dome head on the new body design and give him a glowing digital face projection, not unlike Eve from Wall-E.
Here's the data sheet and cutaway I did for the World of Missile Mouse section in the back of the book:
And finally, here's Robot 44 in action:
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