
Friday, April 30, 2010

Missile Mouse Book 2 is finished!

I uploaded the files last week and aside from a few odds and ends (back cover illo, title page illo, etc) it is done. If you recall back in February I posted a few inked pages. Here they are in color:

MM: Book 2 page 001

MM: Book 2 page 002

MM: Book 2 page 003

And here's the rest of the book in thumbnail form.

Missile Mouse Book 2 Colored Pages

Like the last book, major props go out to all those who helped me on this book. Specifically, Anthony Wu, and Jason Caffoe who assisted me on coloring the thing and Katie Smith who corrected all my spelling errors. Also, my wife was hugely instrumental in helping me to get this done. Her support and whip-crackery kept me going. She gets the Wife of the Year Award.